Our Health Precautions: Protecting Our Clients, Protecting Ourselves

August 23, 2021  |  by Sheryl Rapée-Adams  |  Comments are off  | 


Massage Vermont welcomes clients who . . .

💚We’ve adapted our practice.💚

✔️After we confirm your appointment:

  • You’ll receive a link to our private digital intake form, which includes an attestation of having been vaccinated, to be completed online before arriving.
  • Instead of a waiting area, your practitioner will meet you at the door and let you in at the appointment time.
  • You’ll cancel your appointment without penalty if you . . .

have symptoms of any illness; there’s no penalty for last-minute notice.

test positive for Covid-19, with or without symptoms; there’s no penalty for last-minute notice.

are exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid-19, with or without symptoms or suspect you’ve had such an exposure.

  • After your visit: Please continue to monitor your health status for 14 days following your appointment. Should you test positive for Covid-19, or receive notice that you’ve been exposed to Covid-19, please contact us immediately so that we can close the practice, get tested, and inform clients and others in our circle that they too may have been exposed.

✅Your practitioner . . .

  • is up to date on their Covid-19 vaccination.
  • will wear a virus-transmission-preventive mask over their nose and mouth in the office at all times.
  • assures you that if either practitioner has symptoms of any illness, tests positive for Covid-19, or has been exposed to someone with Covid-19, we will close the practice until we are certain it is safe to reopen.

Our treatment rooms . . .

  • have constantly running HEPA air filters rated for twice the size of the spaces they’re in.
  • have fountains that circulate filtered water, increasing indoor humidity. Data suggest that relative humidity between 40% and 60% causes virus particles to decay faster, reduces the number of viral particles that reach deeply into the lungs, and improves immune response.
  • are, along with the rest of the office, part of the whole-building fresh-air system continuously running heat recovery ventilation (HRV), further increasing air circulation.
  • will have one hour reserved between clients for thorough sanitization and air filtration.

Gift certificates: Please contact us to discuss purchasing gift certificates for continuing clients.

As pandemic conditions shift, our operating conditions will respond. For example, if community spread spikes, we might cancel all appointments until conditions improve.

Thank you. We look forward to seeing you.