Take care and find comfort where you can. We’ll find our way back to each other.
Thank you for continuing to call us about massages. We look forward to welcoming you back when it’s safe.

“Unfortunately, even with the most rigorous sanitation protocols, enhanced client screening, and social distancing precautions, there is still risk of COVID-19 transmission involved.”
COVID-19 Resources for Massage Therapists, American Massage Therapy Association (Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash)
Why haven’t we resumed offering bodywork? Why are we developing pandemic-safe virtual work to help you relax? Because we cannot reliably protect you or us from COVID-19.
- It’s impossible to maintain physical distancing during massage.
- The longer people spend together in an enclosed space, the higher the virus transmission risk—even when using masks, air filters and fans, and rigorous sanitization protocols.
- We of still just starting to learn the empirical realities of this pandemic. Check this out: “While influenza A virus survived less than two hours on human skin, the novel coronavirus survived for more than nine hours.”
- Our practitioner liability insurance does not cover COVID-related claims. Our professional association, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, states: “Based on a review conducted by insurance industry experts, especially focusing on ‘sickness,’ ‘disease,’ and ‘microbial transmission,’ there is no liability insurance policy in the massage profession that can unconditionally claim coverage of infectious disease transmission.”
Knowing the risks, some massage therapists nonetheless have resumed practicing. Chris is high-risk: we won’t consider it.
Corona-cautious massage therapists wearing masks and working with masked clients are spreading COVID-19. I know one of these massage therapists, and know of two others from reliable sources. The stigma keeps them from discussing it publicly.
No one can know how contracting the novel coronavirus will affect them or the people they come into contact with. Even one person contracting COVID-19 as a result working with us is unacceptable. Chris and I will not risk your health and life, or our own.
We wish you good health and comfort. Please stay in touch.