Change the course of your day
Have you noticed the way things shift after a massage?
Spiky tenseness may give way to feeling more smoothly energized. Fatigue might lift. Time can seem to move more slowly.
Bodywork is a safe, gentle intervention you can choose to improve your state of being. There are things you can do on your own to change your state, too.
I’ve begun practicing The Morning Four first thing upon awakening.

From The Anxiety Connection Facebook Page, which my friend created earlier this month. She describes it as “Tools and exercises that you can use every day utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques.”
A printout of The Morning Four is on my nightstand. I’ve done The Morning Four upon awakening every day since it posted on July 5. The one day I forgot before getting out of bed, I did it in my quiet kitchen, staring out the window at the plants and trees. Yep, better.
Doing The Morning Four shifts the course of my day and improves my state of being.
Getting a massage today shifted the course of my day and improved my state of being.
What helps you shift more smoothly?