Listen to your body. We will.

July 16, 2018  |  no comments yet

Psgs123xyz at English Wikipedia [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

During a massage, a client said that the area I was working on felt sore to the touch. I thanked him for telling me. I reduced the pressure I was using and asked if that felt better.

He said, “Oh, I didn’t mean to lighten up. I want it to be able to take more pressure.”

I explained that my approach is to soothe the nervous system, and never override the body’s pain signals. I said that pressing deeper is not therapeutic when the body responds with pain.

“It’s not?” he asked, sounding surprised.

No, it’s not. I cited pain science and encouraged him to consider his own experiences. But this client wanted painfully deep massage. He did not return.

Massage pressure that’s too deep causes acute pain. That’s pain in the moment that, fortunately, your massage therapist can stop immediately if you tell her about it.

Pain that goes on and on is chronic pain. The more the brain experiences pain, the more it learns to produce more pain, as internationally renowned pain scientist Lorimer Moseley explains in this short, entertaining short video, “Tame the Beast.”

The brain learns what we teach it. That’s an excellent reason to avoid causing pain.

Massage therapy that feels good prepares you for more pleasant sensations. Pressure that feels just right creates comfort and satisfaction. And that’s something we love offering.