News & Updates from Massage Vermont
Gently at Any Age
If you’re scheduling a treatment with us, you’re most likely seeking relaxation and relief from tension. Many styles of bodywork and a range of pressure…
How Human Bodywork Differs from Auto Bodywork
What’s the difference between working on a car’s body and a person’s body? It might seem obvious to say, “We’re not cars.” But what does…
How Massage Differs from Going to the Dentist
I like and respect my dentist. Getting good dental care is a priority for me. Dentists take great care to make patients as comfortable as…
Change the course of your day
Have you noticed the way things shift after a massage? Spiky tenseness may give way to feeling more smoothly energized. Fatigue might lift. Time can seem…
Thirty Minutes to Bliss
Once a week, I get a 30-minute massage. I emerge more relaxed and refreshed, my edges softened. Even when I can’t fully let go, I…
Slow, Safe Relief from Back Pain
Back pain requires patience to heal from. That’s because reaching first for quick “fixes” like drugs, surgery, and even medical imaging can end up delaying…
How I keep it together in difficult times
In these tough times, I might appear calmer than I feel inside. This is not a facade. I am taking great care in choosing what…
Massage in the Goldilocks zone
Our goal here is simple: Provide your nervous system with sensations that feel “yummy” while avoiding sensations that feel “yucky.” This approach is therapeutic and…
A Thank You to Massage Clients
At this time of giving thanks, I thank you, our clients, for allowing me the gift of massage therapy as a career. Livelihood matters, and…
“Do you prefer to start face-up or face-down?”
Craniosacral therapy and foot reflexology treatments happen with the client face-up. But massage therapy clients can start face-up or face-down, and usually turn over during…
No Time for Delays
Today I went back to Jazzercise. It was my first class in more than two years. On the drive home, I thought, “At 52 years…
Consumer Reports “On Health”: Massage Helps Body and Mind
We know from experience what helps. Touch for comfort and relief is as old as earth’s population of beings with central nervous systems. Still, it…