News & Updates from Massage Vermont

Sorry, Not Yet
This week when I answered the phone, some asked, “How much is a massage?” I remain surprised people are still calling us for massages as…

“When will you be open? I need a massage.”
Dear Clients and Community, We hear you. You relied on massage to soothe and support you. Now it’s unavailable. Ouch. When can you get a…

What to Do, What to Do?
Feelings happen. You might be beside yourself, at sixes and sevens, flummoxed, heartbroken, anxious, terrified, exhausted, hyped up, unfocused, hyperfocused, gleeful, loving, hopeful, even joyful—all…

In Which We Say No to Massage Requests
This week someone called to schedule a massage. I explained we were closed for their protection and ours, and that our state has barred massage…

Breathe Easy and Often
If you had access to a free, never-ending resource that would calm your body and mind and improve your overall health, wouldn’t you use it?…

We’re Closed until Further Notice
Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Neighbors, For everyone’s protection, we are closing our doors until further notice. COVID-19 carriers may be asymptomatic or presymptomatic. Whether someone…

We’re Taking Precautions so You Can Relax
We’re taking precautionary measures amid the spread of the coronavirus. Please cancel or reschedule your appointments here if you have any sign of illness symptoms…

If you feel something, say something.
Dear Clients, We care about you and dedicate our sixty years of combined professional bodywork experience to your well-being. We care about ourselves, too, and…

Choose Bodywork Because It Feels Good
When you call us for a treatment, you want to know how we can help meet your needs. Stress reduction, pain quieting, and increased relaxation…

I read this and yelled, “Yippee!”
This, this, this! We don’t often recommend articles in our profession’s literature to clients. Instead, we apply what we learn to your treatments so you…

We are present to your pain, but we don’t take it on.
A client mentioned that it must be exhausting to do massage all day and take on other people’s bad vibes, toxins, and (insert whatever word…

Anxiety and Our Choices
I can’t control when anxiety floats into me and takes hold. Can you? What I can do is choose how I use my time and…