News & Updates from Massage Vermont

A Massage Can Last a Long Time

When you schedule a bodywork appointment, the body can start to feel better in anticipation. Then there’s the experience of the treatment itself. Afterward, the…

“I want a (male/female) therapist.”

  A client apologized for requesting a therapist of the opposite gender and called himself a “knuckle-dragger.” We were able to accommodate this client and assured…

What we learned in 2014

  Chris and I learned a lot in 2014. For example, living and working in a building under renovation causes wear and tear on our nerves. Getting…

Neighborly trust

Yesterday we were notified that someone purchased three gift certificates on our website. Later we received an email from the buyer asking to use our holiday offer….

What confidentiality do you expect from your massage therapist?

Chris and I follow the Code of Ethics of our professional organization, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, including: Commitment to Confidentiality I will keep client…

Scented or unscented?

I offer clients the choice of scented or unscented products in their massage and foot reflexology treatments. Yet we ask clients to avoid wearing scented…

“I can’t do yoga. I’m not flexible.”

Every yoga teacher has heard this. For now, I’ll save the (true) reassurances that anyone who can breathe can do yoga, that yoga has nothing…

“I want total, delicious relaxation.”

Our brief intake forms ask clients what they want from their treatments with us. Clients’ goals include relief from particular aches and pains, increased mobility,…


After a client’s recent session, her eyes sparkled and she spoke softly of a memory that had arisen in the session.  It was something she…

Owners’ Manual for the Human Body

What is the hardest bone in the body? (See the end of this post for the answer.) In May, Chris and I participated in a great…


That’s how a client described me after his treatment yesterday: Fearless. Why? Because I worked areas that many people regard as too sensitive or unpleasant…

When the massage therapist has an aching back

It happens.  Of course it happens. Clients have told us they’re surprised that Chris and I experience illness and even muscle spasm. Healing touch is…