News & Updates from Massage Vermont

Did you remember to breathe?

Imagine having to remind yourself to breathe. No worries. Breathing continues, moment after moment, year after year, throughout the lifetime. Thank goodness! Breathing enough to…

A Few Words About Words

Our work here at Massage Vermont is nervous-system soothing through touch and, more recently, evidence-based breathwork. It’s never been psychotherapy. But words are powerful. We’re…

On the Nose

Well, in the nose, as that’s where breathing will serve you best. Chris and I offer evidence-based breathwork and nervous-system soothing techniques. These will be…

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” And keep breathing.

It’s an especially rough period amid already turbulent times. Last night I posted to my friends on social media: Breathing. I’ll just keep breathing, slowly…

Breathe to Relax: Through the Nose

Breathing gently through the nose into the lower lungs is key to relaxing your body and mind. Taking deep breaths does not mean taking big…

A Vaccine Is So Welcome—and Only One Step

Thank goodness vaccines are on the way. That will change the course of this pandemic, saving so many lives, preventing so much heartbreak. However, vaccines…

Thank you for calling

Thank you for calling. I miss working with you too. Let’s continue missing each other and the comfort care of massage for as long as…

Do No Harm

Take care and find comfort where you can. We’ll find our way back to each other. Thank you for continuing to call us about massages….

Breathing for Life

Massage Vermont is expanding our work. We will offer pandemic-safe virtual sessions to help clients relax, find calm in body and mind, and more skillfully…

We’re Adapting To Get Back To Serving You

We have good news! Massage Vermont will offer healing treatments virtually. We are excited to resume our comfort-care services to you, safely and effectively. Chris…

Take a Deep Breath and—

Have you been told that when you’re stressed out you should take a deep breath? You might want to reconsider that advice. Check this out….

Breathe Easy

Wearing a mask can be challenging, especially in summer’s heat. The first few questions in this excellent Q&A describe how to breathe more comfortably in…